As much as job skills reviews are challenging to conduct, they serve a strong purpose in helping employers and employees to collaborate on professional staff development goals, review historical challenges, celebrate accomplishments and establish future plans for improvement.

You must first select the criteria to establish the skills and competencies for the your area, selecting from the drop down boxes your criteria (if you need more information to enter the criteria click here).

Look at each skill and tick the box if you can evidence that the employee(s) has that skill. Click on the magnifying glasses to display the competencies, before deciding the skill level requirements are met. Do not tick the box if the employee does not have all the competencies now, this will become one of the skills that needs developing via training.

When you have reviewed all of the skills and ticked the boxes a Job Review is complete. In the Job Review the identified skills gap and training needs are clearly stated. You can print the Job Review using the print and download the page as a record for future skills progression.

Colour coding EQF Level - 1-3 (Yellow ) - 4-5 (Blue ) - 6-8(Orange ). For more nformation about EQFs.
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