As an employer, in your hiring process, it is important to accurately evaluate the skill level of your candidates as it affects their ability to do their job. Assessing these skills can take a wide variety of forms. You may ask candidates for their Curricula Vitae (CV) or to provide evidence of prior work via a writing example, a project, or a presentation. You should assess if the candidate has achieved the skill, is above the skill level or whether their skills can be developed in order to fully achieve the skill in the future.

As the candidate, you need to know the skills required, the skills you have, and how to evidence your skill set and which skills need to be further developed.

To start the skills assessment you must first select the criteria to establish the skills and competencies for the area of work you are interested in, by selecting from the drop down boxes the appropriate criteria (if you need more information to enter the criteria click here)

Alongside each skill there are four columns with a tick box in each, the columns are represented by the following terms: Above and beyond; Match-OK; Partly developed; To be developed. Look at each skill and tick the box if you can evidence this skill or the candidate fully believes they have achieved this skill level. You can click on the magnifying glasses to display the competencies, before deciding the current skill level achieved. Ticking the to be developed or partly developed box is not negative but a discussion point for your professional development. This will become one of the skills you need to develop in the future.

When you have reviewed all of the skills and ticked the boxes, you have completed a skill assessment. In your skills assessment you have identified the skills gap and the requirements for future development. You can print off the findings using the print and download the page as a record for future progress.

Colour coding EQF Level - 1-3 (Yellow ) - 4-5 (Blue ) - 6-8(Orange ). For more nformation about EQFs.
Tick box columns for skills and competencies: (Above and beyond), (Match-OK), (Partly developed), (To be developed).

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